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home / News / Chu Jiwang Addressed a Speech at the Ninghai Entrepreneurs’ Lecture

Chu Jiwang Addressed a Speech at the Ninghai Entrepreneurs’ Lecture

Jun 24,2024

Recently, the Ninghai County Federation of Industry and Commerce organized a lecture for local entrepreneurs themed of hard work, innovation, and finance. The honorary chairman, Chu Jiwang, was invited to attend and deliver a speech.

During the meeting, Chu Jiwang emphasized that, in contrast to state-owned entrepreneurs who enjoy abundant resources and significant government support, private entrepreneurs face fewer resources and must survive in the market through their own hard work and unwavering determination. In this process, private entrepreneurs must always keep three crucial principles in mind.

Firstly, entrepreneurs should abide by government regulations through political awareness. Operating a business requires adhering to the Party's guidelines, complying with tax laws, and refraining from any illegal activities. This is the foundation of being a responsible leader of a private enterprise.

Secondly, entrepreneurs should align with market trends. By adhering to the principle of 'success through sales and constant monitoring,' catering to market needs, listening to customer feedback, and developing innovative products with wisdom and a commitment to quality, one can gain market share and win over customers.

Thirdly, entrepreneurs should respect their employees. Enterprises and employees share a common destiny. Without the diligent work of employees, enterprises cannot progress. Employees are the backbone of wealth creation and the direct generators of wealth. Therefore, we should respect every employee and learn to show deference to workers.

Chu Jiwang further emphasized that only by adhering to these three principles can enterprises grow and expand, employees achieve happiness and satisfaction, and entrepreneurs truly gain confidence and genuinely feel the joy and happiness of running a business.

Chu Jiwang's speech not only spoke the voice of the older generation of entrepreneurs, but also issued the voice of the times, which aroused strong resonance and was both highly instructive and practical.  



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