With full recognitions of Ruyi’s technology and service influence, as well as 37 years widely commended culture, Ruyi won the orders, whose quantity is over 100 pieces, and amount reaches nearly ¥10,000,000, on 3-wheel, 4-wheel counterbalance forklift, reach forklift and electric pallet truck from a super chain enterprise of Angola.

Today, the deliver ceremony of the first batch of the order are held. The quality of those customized Lithium counterbalance forklifts that are about to ship ranks in the first class internationally with imported drive axle, AC controller and multi-functional LCD display. Additionally, they own excellent performance on speed mode switch. Users’ operation experiences are set great store by in the course of R&D by using regenerative brake and enabling simple maintenance, customizing traveling sped, loading speed and grade ability.

A remarkable progress of Ruyi’s exploration in the BRI market has been registered when the order with Angola is placed. The order has also become a vivid epitome for the world to sense the hope and potential of China-made Lithium forklift.