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XILIN Held the 2023 Annual Recognition Ceremony

Apr 26,2024

To express gratitude to the employees for their continuous dedication and efforts, recognize the outstanding teams and individuals that have emerged throughout the journey, and inspire all staff to pursue their dreams, XILIN held the 2023 Annual Recognition Ceremony themed Forge Ahead and Carry on the Legacy on April 25th. The leadership team of Taoyuan Street, Ninghai County, was invited to attend the event. Honorary Chairman Chu Jiwang, Chairman Chu Jiang, President Zhu Aifen, and nearly 400 other senior executives gathered to recognize the advanced models and share the honors and joy together.

In 2023, three Best Employees of the Year, three Education Awards, nine Excellent Teams, nine pairs of Excellent Tutor-Student, twelve Model Employees awards, 55 Excellent Employees, 99 Praised Employees, 98 Minor Improvement and Innovation projects, 100 patent-related projects, six Technology Innovation awards, and six Xilin Cup Science and Technology Awards were selected.

Chairman Chu Jiang stated that in 2023, faced with the arduous task of domestic economic recovery and the intricate global development situation, XILIN encountered challenges and pressures that were no less than those during the three years of the Covid-19 pandemics. However, all employees and staff members persevered and forged ahead, achieving record-high production and sales. In 2024, amidst the turbulent market environment, he hoped that all XILIN members would embrace passion and dreams, strive to adapt to market changes, continuously enhance their core competitiveness, and continue to write a broader and more promising chapter of development with innovative thinking and excellent quality.

The 2023 Annual Recognition Ceremony concluded perfectly. XILIN will seize this opportunity to forge ahead, scale new heights, and forge into the company’s another four-decade of expansion and development.


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