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XILIN’s Annual Scholarship Ceremony

Aug 27,2024

Recently, XILIN held its annual scholarship ceremony, honoring the children of employees admitted to Ninghai Senior Middle School and keyuniversities. This initiative reinforces the company's dedication to the education and welfare of its employees' offspring, fostering growth and fueling enterprise sustainability.

Honorary Chairman Chu Jiwang warmly congratulated the students and saluted their diligent parents. He inspired, "The journey ahead is long and challenging, but with perseverance and an unyielding spirit, you will triumph and surpass your dreams."

Chu Jiwang in his speech

Smiles captured on camera embody joy and hope. Beyond financial aid, this scholarship embodies limitless aspirations for the students' future endeavors.

Scholarship recipients and their parents

The recipients vowed to study hard, nurture a positive life outlook, and excel academically, repaying their parents' sacrifices and contributing to society.

In the vibrancy of youth, may these scholars embrace their time, cherish moments, and act with purpose. With this benevolent support, may they forge ahead, persevere, and continually enrich themselves through diligent learning. XILIN's scholarship program stands guard over their dreams, eagerly anticipating their brightest blooms.


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