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home / News / Postdoc Stand out Assessment Meeting Was Held in Xilin

Postdoc Stand out Assessment Meeting Was Held in Xilin

Aug 17,2024

Recently, the stand out assessment meeting for XILIN and Tianjin University's enterprise postdocs was successfully held. The evaluation experts conducted a comprehensive, objective, and fair review of the two postdocs stand out reports, concluding that their research topics closely align with the needs of the industrial vehicle industry, demonstrating high levels of innovation and practicality, and holding significant importance for the development of related fields. After thorough discussion, the experts unanimously approved the two postdocs’ successful completion of their postdoctoral programs!

In the future, XILIN will continue to deepen its cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions both domestically and internationally, continuously paying attention to and supporting outstanding scientific research talents. By providing them with better development platforms and opportunities, XILIN aims to jointly promote scientific research innovation and social progress.


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